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From Pages to Screens- About Novel Adaptions

Hello fellow bookworms and film lovers! Today I’d like to talk about adapting our favourite novels into series and films. It’s always exciting to see our favourite books come to life on the big screen, isn’t it? But hey, let’s take a closer look at the two sides of this adaptation coin — the excitement and the dilemmas — and how it affects our beloved stories.

Having recently watched one of my all-time favourite works of fiction, I felt I had to write about it. It was the second season of “Foundation”, Isaac Asimov’s masterpiece. I have a feeling that many people who really enjoy reading and discussing the books they like will feel the same way. That is why I want to be honest in this article. But I will also avoid giving more examples, just in case. Because people have different tastes and opinions, and what one person likes or enjoys may not be the same for another.

The Excitement of Novel Adaptations

Isn’t it fantastic when a beloved novel becomes a film or a series? It’s like entering a whole new dimension of the story. The visual medium brings a fresh perspective, life and vibrancy to the characters and settings we love. That is definitely true. And the cast too! Seeing our favourite literary heroes portrayed by talented stars creates an emotional bond that warms our hearts. Sometimes we feel that they are the right choice for these particular roles. Plus, these adaptations open up the world of the original book to a whole new set of fans — and spread the fame even further to non-readers.

The Dilemma of Staying True to the Source Material

Now comes the tricky part. Some adaptations stick to the book like glue, staying true to every twist and turn. And you know what? That’s usually where the beauty comes in. We, the devoted fans, get to relive our favourite moments and experience the story all over again, with some great visual enhancements to aid our imaginations.

But here’s the thing — some adaptations like to go their own creative way. They add new things, change the lore, and sometimes it feels like they’re trying to make the story something completely different. It’s like enjoying your favourite flavour of ice cream, but someone has changed the recipe and suddenly it’s not the same delicious treat.

The Financial Incentive

Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room — money. We know that film adaptations can be a gold mine for studios. A built-in fan base guarantees box office, ticket and merchandise sales. As a result, the focus on profit can sometimes overshadow a genuine love for the source material. And that, my friends, can lead to adaptations that feel more like a quick cash grab than a heartfelt homage to the book we adore.

The Impact on Fans

When a well-made adaptation comes along, it’s like a big family reunion among fans, and the excitement can be contagious. We laugh, cry and geek out together, creating fond memories as we share and discuss our favourite moments from the production. But when an adaptation misses the mark, or messes with the essence of our beloved story, it can cause real heartache. We may find ourselves questioning decisions and feeling a little protective of our favourite characters and worlds.


At the end of the day, adapting novels into series and films is an exciting rollercoaster ride. We love seeing our beloved stories depicted on the big screen and welcome the visual show that complements our dreams. In my humble opinion, there’s nothing quite like staying true to the books when it comes to adaptations. The charm lies in the small details, the little nuances that make the story come alive. When novels lack visuals like pictures, photos or maps, it’s natural to feel like we’re missing out on some of the beauty hidden within the pages. That’s where TV shows and films come in, filling in the blanks and leaving us even more impressed. They help us feel the literary work as a visual and auditory tool.

It may sound as if I have a traditional and conservative view of the subject. And I am well aware that transferring a literary form to another medium is not as easy as it always sounds. However, I cannot bear to see some of the productions that are obviously misleading, just to satisfy a certain group of followers or whoever will make more money from it. This kind of artwork should be praised, not commercialised or used as a propaganda tool. Therefore, I have no choice but to adhere to such a perspective when considering these issues.

On the other hand, imagine seeing a beloved character or a breathtaking landscape come to life before your eyes, just as you imagined it while reading. It’s like sharing a special bond with the writers and producers, knowing that they value and enjoy the work as much as we do. When an adaptation respects the source material, it’s like saying, “We love this world you love, and we want you to experience it in all its glory!”

It makes everything so much better.

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